Motion-Primitives Pro is live - Advanced components and templates to help you build delightful websites, faster.

Animated Group

A wrapper that adds animated transitions to a group of child elements. It's perfect for creating staggered animations for lists, grids, or any collection of components.


Animated Group with preset

Images are from cosmos - Impressionisme

impressionist painting, uploaded to Cosmos
impressionist painting, uploaded to Cosmos
impressionist painting, uploaded to Cosmos
impressionist painting, uploaded to Cosmos

Animated Group with custom variants

impressionist painting, uploaded to Cosmos
impressionist painting, uploaded to Cosmos
impressionist painting, uploaded to Cosmos
impressionist painting, uploaded to Cosmos

AnimatedGroup with custom variants

Apple Music logo
Chrome logo
Strava logo
Nintendo logo


npx motion-primitives@latest add animated-group

Component API


childrenReactNodeThe child elements to be animated.
classNamestringundefinedOptional CSS class for styling the component.
variants{ container?: Variants; item?: Variants; }undefinedCustom variants for container and item animations.
preset'fade' | 'slide' | 'scale' | 'blur-sm' | 'blur-slide'undefinedPreset animations to apply to the group of elements.
asReact.ElementType'div'The HTML element to render the component as.
asChildReact.ElementType'div'The HTML element to render the child elements as.