Animated Group
A wrapper that adds animated transitions to a group of child elements. It's perfect for creating staggered animations for lists, grids, or any collection of components.
Animated Group with preset
Images are from cosmos - Impressionisme
Animated Group with custom variants
AnimatedGroup with custom variants
npx motion-primitives@latest add animated-group
Component API
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
children | ReactNode | The child elements to be animated. | |
className | string | undefined | Optional CSS class for styling the component. |
variants | { container?: Variants; item?: Variants; } | undefined | Custom variants for container and item animations. |
preset | 'fade' | 'slide' | 'scale' | 'blur-sm' | 'blur-slide' | undefined | Preset animations to apply to the group of elements. |
as | React.ElementType | 'div' | The HTML element to render the component as. |
asChild | React.ElementType | 'div' | The HTML element to render the child elements as. |