Motion-Primitives Pro is live - Advanced components and templates to help you build delightful websites, faster.

Spinning Text

Easily animate text circularly. Customize the animation with variants and transitions.


Basic Usage

pre-order • pre-order • pre-order •

Custom Transition

motion-primitives • motion-primitives •

Custom Variants

pre-order • pre-order • pre-order •


npx motion-primitives@latest add spinning-text

Component API


childrenReactElementThe text content to be animated in a circular motion.
styleCSSProperties{}Custom styles for the text container.
durationnumber10The duration of the full circular rotation animation.
classNamestringA custom class name for the text container.
reversebooleanfalseDetermines if the animation should rotate in reverse.
fontSizenumber1The font size of the text being animated in rem.
radiusnumber5The radius of the circular path for the text animation.
transitionTransitionCustom transition effects for the animation.
variants{ container?: Variants; item?: Variants; }Variants for container and item animations.


Initiated by @ibtihelbs