Transition Panel
Easy way to switch between different pieces of content with enter and exit animations. It's perfect for enhancing user experience in areas such as onboarding card, settings adjustments, or any interactive content that requires a visual transition between states.
Tabs with Transition Panel
Refining Visual Harmony
Explore the principles of motion aesthetics that enhance the visual appeal of interfaces. Learn to balance timing, easing, and the flow of motion to create seamless user experiences.
Card with Transition Panel
Develop a distinctive brand identity with tailored logos and guidelines to ensure consistent messaging across all platforms.
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Component API
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
children | React.ReactNode[] | The content that the panel will transition through. | |
className | string | Optional CSS class to apply to the panel container for additional styling. | |
transition | Transition | The transition settings from motion to control the animation effects. | |
activeIndex | number | The index of the currently active child element to display. | |
variants | Object (with enter, center, exit properties) | Variants for each animation state (enter, center, exit) to customize animations. | |
...motionProps | MotionProps | Spread all additional motion props to the motion.div component. |